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Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $7.20.

SKU: UD511847552 Category:


by Lee So-young
Ji Ye is a Korean art student who comes to Europe to study. Her brushstrokes aren’t going as well as she would like, but she’s determined to make it as an artist. One evening her friend brings a drunk man over to crash at her pad. That night she has bad dreams that the drunk is really a blood-sucking vampire. But when she wakes up, she realizes it wasn’t a dream! Unafraid, she’s suddenly bitten by the creative bug, and starts to paint his portrait. His beauty and alluring preternatural energy lets Ji Ye’s artistic juices flow, and the two strike a deal: Ji Ye will allow the vampire to feed on her, and in return he will pose for her. This could be exactly what Ji Ye needs to finally succeed as a painter, but at what price?
SC, 5×7, b&w (1 of 7)

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