Invasion: Tarangrad (Clan Ticket)BattletechNarrative2024-01-1312:00:00
June 3050.
The Clan Invasion has kicked into full gear, and in the wake of this assault the great Houses of the Inner Sphere have found themselves on the back foot. Desperate to marshal the resources available to stop these would-be conquerers, a ComStar scouting team has discovered a former Star League Castle Outpost deep in the Periphery, with a ready-made cache of LosTech waiting to be rediscovered. Scrambling to exploit this tech, the great Houses and numerous merc outfits have sent lances to the distant backwater system of Tarangrad in the galactic north.
Once a weapons-testing ground for the Star League, Tarangrad eventually bloomed as an urban centre in the years following the Succession Wars, largely untouched by the age of endless conflict and decline following the Star League’s collapse. Now the very cities that have sat unknowing on the grounds of this Castle Outpost are under threat: not only by the invading Clans, but also the would-be defenders of the Inner Sphere looking to pillage and wage war over this lost ground.
This is a record of that conflict.
Join us for our very first narrative mini-campaign at the , Invasion: Tarangrad! Set during the early days of the Clan Invasion, players will fight through a short gauntlet of missions to claim this planet and the lost weapons technology of the Star League! Each player will declare for a side (Inner Sphere, including great Houses and mercenary companies or Clan), and based on the choices made and objectives achieved during gameplay and between missions determine the outcome of this campaign!
Players will be required to create a small force, from which they will draw their lances/stars at the beginning of each mission, with names and biographies of the MechWarriors involved in the conflict. Additional forces, such as Battlefield Support will also be accounted for. This will all need to be submitted in the first week of January, prior to the start of the campaign. Certain limits will be set on tonnage and pilot skills.
Entrants will receive a supplemental player pack outlining missions, force creation guidelines and additional achievements that can be earned over the course of the campaign.
12:00 PM – Campaign Phase + Setup
12:15 PM to 2:00 PM – Mission 1
2:00 PM to 2:30 PM – Lunch – Campaign Phase + Setup
2:30 PM to 4:30 PM – Mission 2
4:30 PM to 4:45 PM – Campaign Phase + Setup
4:45 PM to 7:00 PM – Mission 3, Debriefing and Prizing
Door prizes will be given out, alongside additional prizing for achievements